

Little is known about the true nature of Majoumi, some speculate that she may be sort of colonial organism made out of smaller versions of herself called "Majoumites" that join together to make the mature version of the species. Others theorize that Majoumi could belong to the Insecta class of the arthropod phylum. Some evidence would even imply that she's actually part of a previously undocumented species of fungus.

Regardless of origins, one thing is clear about Majoumi: how volatile and dangerous the subject is. Approaching without proper precaution could result in injury or even death. While awake Majoumis are prone to heightened levels of violence, wanton destruction, and even spontaneous combustion. This being said, many accounts of encounters with a Majoumi state that they are "easily tamed with a bit of food." Due to this it is highly recommended to carry at least a hot pocket on you when dealing with a Majoumi. It is suspected that Majoumis' affinity towards food could be due to an abnormally accelerated metabolism.

Majoumi is dirt covered with long brown hair tied into twintails that are on fire and singed at the ends. She is often seen in her large brown witch hat that is battered and in a state of disrepair. She stands at 150cm tall and by human standards she is of a smaller build and modest bust.

evidence supporting majoumi insect theory
artist depiction of a Majoumite

*ungodly screaming*
"Who give a shit?"

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