Gourd's Garden Blog


April 7th


Can I Garden?
YES! Gardening is fun and you should do it. You can grow things anywhere, even if you don't have ground, you can put a lot of things in containers. You don't have to feed yourself with your garden entirely either, you can always grow tasty things like herbs and onions or vitamin rich foods like kale to help supplement your diet and cooking!

What if I don't have containers?
You can use old milk jugs (cut out part of the top) or coffee containers! Just make sure to cut out small holes in the bottoms so water can drain out! You can do the same thing with $5 paint buckets or certain used, plastic cat litter buckets. Heavy plastic is your friend.

Are plants cool?
That's an opinion I'm not qualified to speak on.

I have a "black" thumb what do I do?
That sounds like freezer burn, PLEASE see a doctor. But if it's a figure a speech: just try to grow stuff! Even good gardeners kill plants all the time on accident. Learning what plants need is a process and every plant is different. Google is also you're friend!

I overwater everything.
Sucks to be you! (jk) It's alright to let plants dry out more than you think! Most times it's perfectly fine to let a plant wilt a little before watering it. It's always good to stick your finger in the soil to check for moisture too, if no dirt sticks and it feels dry, then it's time to water. Most plants deal with being underwatered MUCH better than being overwatered!

I've been gardening since the summer of 2020 in containers and have had a weird amount of success. I used to consider myself AWFUL at growing plants too.

If my dumb-ass can grow vegetables, so can yours!